Kujaku Room

1576 W 47th Ave Vancouver, BC V6M 2M3

$1500 / per month

Bed Icon
Queen size bed
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washroom icon
Shared Washroom
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Washing Machine
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workstation Icon
Closet Space

About Kujaku Room

The Kujaku Room is in our Co-living house, Koi House, which is a large old house with 11 rooms and 4 bathrooms, kitchen, laundry and Patio.

Property Amenities

pet friendly room Not pet friendly
bathrooms in the house 4 bathroom
laundry machine Laundry
bedroom in the property11 bedrooms

laundry machine Laundry
kitchen in the property Kitchen

Questions? Connect to agent.

It takes only 2 mins to fill up the pre-reservation form.

Not sure when arriving to Canada?

How it works?

1. Pre Book

Select your ideal space. Click ‘Reserve’ and fill up the application in a matter of minutes.

2. Get Approved

We thoroughly examine your application to make sure we adhere to all specifications.

3. Move in

Upon approval, begin packing for your new voyage. You will find a welcoming community here,


If you give a proper Move-Out notice (at least 1 month in advance) your Security Deposit will be returned on the 15th of the next month after your Check-Out, through the same method it was paid originally. Please make sure to leave your home in the same condition it was in prior to your tenancy. This will ensure you receive your damage deposit back. 1. Fill out the check-out form 30 days before leaving the room:https://vanmatescanada.typeform.com/to/rkWxdP 2. Check out date must be the last day of the month and 30 days before leaving the room. Vanmates cannot validate the notice of termination if the termination was not issued in accordance with the instructions given.

If your contract is fixed, the check-out date is the date set down in numeral 1.2 of the contract. If you want to extend your stay with Vanmates, you must notify the sales agent 30 days before the checkout date.

If your contract is fixed or regular, you must notify your sales agent 30 days before checkout, and the deposit will be retained for the new contract (we do not guarantee that the room is available).

If your contract is open or fixed, you must notify your sales agent 30 days before checkout. The sales agent could request to increase or reduce the value of your deposit.