VanMates Blog
How to Find Student Housing Near the University of Waterloo?
Before joining the University of Waterloo, students are curious about how to find student housing near the University of Waterloo. The University of Waterloo is one of the most preferred universities for international students. Finding student housing near the...
9 Rental Scams in Canada & What to Do?
Rental scams in Canada are increasing with the growing number of newcomers. These scams affect renters, tenants, and even vulnerable groups such as students. The median loss from rental scams is $2,000 with a %87 susceptibility rate according to the most recent...
The Best 6 Vancouver Dorms for International Students
Looking for the best Vancouver dorms for your education in British Columbia? Dormitories in Vancouver can provide affordable furnished room rentals with meal plan options for international students. Vanmates Accommodation offers a wide variety of student housing...
7 Differences Between Homestay and Student Housing in Canada
The differences between homestay and student housing in Canada are crystal clear for international students to decide which type of accommodation in Canada is the best choice for them. Even though international students often hesitate to decide between homestay and...
The Best Guide to Live in Montreal for New Comers | 2024
Many people are dreaming to live in Montreal to have this spectacular experience. You might be wondering how living in Montreal as a new comer makes feel like. Our guide will give you the taste of living in this amazing city of Quebec. From the cost of housing to the...
How to Become a Homestay Host Family in Canada: A Step-by-Step Guide
Hosting an international student in Canada provides a unique opportunity to share your culture while providing a supportive environment for students adjusting to life in a new country. The relationship between the host family and the...